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Corporate Support Services| Jack@ittracking.com
Corporate Support Services
About us
We have been creating Custom Database applications since 1987
IT Tracking
A division of Corporate Support Services has been developing ‘Tracking” software for large and small
If your RV Park is in Rockport, Tx or Salem, Oregon we can help vacation rv parks, rv resorts, new rv
parks and long term parks with our RVTrac Windows based software
This is a simple tool to manage Guests and Reservations in an RV Park Campground. However, it
could be used for Motels, apartments, or virtually any rental properties.
Our programs usually are additional applications to enhance larger more complicated programs.
All of apps, like RVTrac, are designed to be simple to use and very cost effective. It is
our belief that many of our users are not ‘computer techs’ and simply want an app to
work with little or no training. Our goal is to provide those applications.
Track your RV Park
Customer database
Track repeat customera.
Send To
Exclusive ability to Send Information
to HTML, Pdf
Filter Information
DoExclusive ability to filte’
culpa et magna proident magna.
Network Aware
Run across your network to allow
several logins at the same time.
Windows desktop app
Export to other apps
No Subscription it is a one time
True Ad Hoc Report Writer
The tool is full of features and capabilities, but you won't be
charged for how many sites you have or if you want to run it
on multiple computers, or if you want the next version, etc.
like the $800+ software. This Software has a one time
charge and you get everything for just $69.00.